
Who is Diane Pol Jr? A Close Look Into Jan Pol’s Daughter’s Life Story

Diane Pol Jr is the eldest daughter of American veterinarian Jan Pol, who appears on the show The Incredible Dr. Pol. Her mother is Diane Dalrymple, and she has two siblings: Kathy and Charles. Diane was the Pols’ foster child for ten years before they adopted her when she was 18 years old.

Personal Life

Diane Pol is married to Ryan; it is unclear when the two met, but they have been together for a while. The two love spending some quality time together, as can be depicted on Diane’s Instagram page. Diane has not revealed how many children she has but has posted several kids on her Instagram page detailing how much they mean to her.

Diane Pol Jr is a person who loves family, and she always finds time for the people she loves. For instance, she has one day a week where she gets to spend some quality time with her mother. They usually go bowling.

She struggled with Weight

Over the years, Diane Pol Jr has been struggling with her weight loss. On her Instagram bio, she notes that she is on a journey to a happier and healthier self. Her family has been very crucial in her weight loss journey, and whenever she feels like giving up, her family is there to remind her of the far she has come.Diane-Pol-Jr1

Professional Life

Diane Pol Jr is a business-minded person, and over the years, she has been part of various business ventures. She has collaborated with her parents to do various businesses, but she recently launched her own company named Holiday Inn & Suites, where she is a general manager. The company is situated at 1005 Perry Ave, Big Rapids, Michigan.

Her Parents’ Relationship

Diane’s father is originally from the Netherlands, while her mother was born in Michigan. They met in 1961; Jan had gone to America as a high school exchange student. When the two saw each other, they seemed to like each other, which led to a close friendship. Their friendship blossomed, and they later turned lovers.

They two got married in 1967 and have been together for more than five decades. They have always supported each other, and their love and fondness for each other has grown every day.

Her Father

Diane Pol’s father was born in Wateren, Netherlands, where he grew up and studied. After high school, he joined Utrecht University, where he graduated in 1970 with a bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine. After his graduation, he moved to Harbor Beach, Michigan, where he worked for ten years.

Despite being the star of the reality show The Incredible Dr. Pol, Diane’s father was found guilty of malpractice in 2013. He was fined 500 dollars, and his license was put on probation, a judgment that was overturned a year later.

Social Media

Diane Pol Jr is active on various social media platforms, especially on Instagram, where she has a considerable following. She posts quite a lot on her page, ranging from her love life, family, and friends. She is also on TikTok and App X.

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