What Habits to Form Now for a Healthy and Long Life
With people living longer, there is a need to protect one’s health a lot more dearly. Being mobile in later stages of life is essential because of extended lifespans, and this can be helped along by forming healthy habits now. After all, it is never too early to begin caring for your body and mind.
If you would like to live a healthy and long life, and reap the benefits of good wellbeing over those years, it is wise to begin lifestyle changes. Three of the best habits to form now, including visiting the doctor and staying active, have been outlined in this post.
Visit Your Doctor Regularly
Many people will visit their doctors when the need arises, whether that is due to sudden sickness or an ongoing issue, but regular check-ups are preferred. An annual visit is the best way to catch the early signs of certain conditions, such as high cholesterol and rheumatoid arthritis. It is also the perfect opportunity to review medications if you are taking any, discuss any health issues you are experiencing, etc.
However, this might also be a good opportunity to consider if your current doctor and healthcare meet your needs. If you want a more in-depth experience where your health is concerned, it might be beneficial to look at concierge doctors or similar. Some programs available to patients, like Outperform, go even further than concierge medicine by offering a commitment to health innovation. This would see patients receive assistance with disease prevention, fit aging, metabolic health, stress management, and more, which is beneficial long-term.
Pay Attention to Your Diet
Many people believe the saying “you are what you eat,” and while there are some untruths in that, it does matter what food a person consumes. Overeating should be avoided, although this can be a tough habit to break. Studies have found that there are links between the calories an individual consumes and their maximum lifespan. In fact, an animal study found reducing calories by 10% to 50% would improve the maximum lifespan.
By cutting calories through moderation, or making healthier choices when creating meals, you will find your body changing. You might see a reduction in body weight and excess fat, and both of these have been linked to shorter life expectancies. However, these changes are unlikely to be sustained long-term, so it is encouraged to eat well and treat yourself with moderation.
Eating well can mean looking for foods that offer high nutritional value. A well-balanced diet will ensure all of your nutritional needs are met, and this can benefit your health greatly. For example, fruits and vegetables will provide essential fiber, minerals, and vitamins, and swapping to wholegrains can enhance high-fiber, starchy carbs.
Prioritize Physical Activity
Exercise has been linked to a variety of health benefits, so it should be unsurprising that inactivity has also been proven to kill more people than obesity. This does not mean that you must begin training to run a marathon or compete in weightlifting, but you must make an effort to move regularly. A simple reminder to move each hour is even an improvement for many.
Although you might want to join a gym or walking group, there are ways to prioritize movement in everyday activities. If you regularly take phone calls at work, you could take them outside while walking to increase your daily steps. You should also begin to develop a routine that allows you to complete a workout three times a week, even if this is at home. Sticking to a routine will keep you consistent and reduce the likelihood of slipping into your old ways.
By changing your lifestyle to follow these tips, you will find your health improving over time, which will lead to a longer lifespan.